/Ocean for Oceans
Insight: Thousands of marine wildlife are dying each year as a result of plastic pollution.
What would these animals say if they could ask for help?
Using the billboard’s speaker technology we want to help people understand the detrimental effects of single-use plastics by letting them hear it directly from the animals they are hurting.

Using the speaker technology incorporated in the Ocean billboards, we play calming sounds synonymous with the ocean (dolphin calls, whale songs, the crashing of waves) plus a gentle underwater melody to help subtly attract attention.
We'll accompany these sounds with footage of a pod of dolphins looking out towards the public, acting as though they have something to tell us - all while plastic waste slowly floats nearby.

When someone Shazam’s, the plastic in
the screen disappears and the dolphins acknowledge this by happily blowing bubbles and behaving playfully.
The Shazam landing page holds videos and information about the cause. People have the option to download the underwater sounds to donate to the Marine Conservation Society.