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Live brief: Create and write a suite of emails to send out to existing Experian customers over the Christmas period and in the new year. 

Shoot a series of new 'Data Self' images for use in these emails.


Email 1: Merry Christmas

Email 2: Year in Review

Email 3: Set a goal for this year

Email 4: Help to achieve your goal - Variable content depending on what goal they chose

Year in Review
Pick Goals
Achieve goals
Achieve goals
Achieve goals
Achieve goals



  • 54-65% open rates (average open rates for one of Experian's marketing
    emails is 21%) 


  • 7-16% click to send rate (average on marketing
    emails is 1.5%)


  • 1.2% lead to send rate (previous highest was an abandon credit card email
    which was 0.6%, newsletters average around 0.05%)

The images we created for the email campaign also have the potential to flex across other mediums in the future such as press and OOH

10x7 data self.png
Data self tube.png

Proactive thought:

Data Elf

At Christmas, Experian can help customers make their money go further by providing advice and comparisons of credit cards and loans. We harness the Christmas period within the Data Self campaign to introduce your Data 'Elf' - he's great at helping you pay for Christmas, but not so great at anything else.


Data elf jumper2
Data elf turkey
Data elf Tree
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